Monday 24th January was the beginning of our teaching assessment week. I did a workshop with a primary one class at Ferryhill Primary School based on the rep from 'My Hero', which is a piece that will be featured in the BA tour this year.
I was really excited about teaching the class and I had never taught such a young age group before so it was an entirely new experience for me. The class were really well behaved and I enjoyed teaching them although I did make a lot of mistakes for example I was so scared that I would lose control of the class I kept them quite confined and I wasnt sure that they were fully understanding what we were doing most of the time so i demonstrated aswell as explaining but possibly spent too much time trying to explain rather than just doing it and letting them explore movement for themselves. I also planned to number movements from the sequence to get them thinking and counting whilst moving but as I thought I was running out of time I started to rush and ended up finishing the class too early.
I was very dissapointed with the way it all turned out but the only thing I can do now is think of this as a positive learning experience in which I will think about all the things I could have done better and hopefully get some more experience in order for me to improve my teaching skills and gain more confidence in what I am doing.